Join us!

1820 S. Rutherford Blvd.
Murfreesboro, TN 37130
(across from Black Fox Elementary)

Sunday Service + BC Kids Program: 10am
Various groups + BC Kids & Youth Sunday School : 9am

Believers’ Chapel is a non-denominational church that is focused on allowing God to transform us into His image through our knowledge of Him, our relationships with each other, and our service to the community.

On Sunday mornings you will find us in jeans and with fresh coffee on! Kids classes are provided, ages 0 through 5th grade. Training and background checks are provided for every volunteer, and we have a secure check in and out policy in place for our children.

Service begins with a brief greeting by our host, a time of worship, and then teaching from our lead or associate pastor. Services generally last about an hour and fifteen minutes. We take part in communion one time a month.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us and someone will get back to you shortly.